Felicitation Resolution on Youme Takbeer approved:

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Balochistan Assembly adopted a motion for formation of a special committee for China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Project constating of the members of provincial assembly.
The motion was tabled by Provincial Minister Finance, Mir Shoaib Nausherwani in the session while the Speaker, Captain (Retd) Abdul Khaliq Achakzai was in chair here on Monday.
Similarly, the provincial assembly also adopted the felicitation resolution regarding Youme Takbeeper being celebrated today (Tuesday).
The resolution was tabled by the Provincial Minister belonging to PML-N, Sardar Abdul Rehman Khetran.
In the resolution, it was mentioned that Pakistan had the honour to become 7th atomic power in the world and first in the Islamic world on May 28, 1998. The resolution further said that Pakistani nation’s and Islamic world’s head was raised with pride with the nuclear tests.
This achievement was made because of the armed forces of Pakistan, political leadership and scientists. Besides the regional stability, independence and sovereignty of the country was also made possible.
Through the resolution, provincial assembly paid tributes to the then Prime Minister and central leader of PML-N, Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif on the nuclear blasts conducted on May 28, 1998.
In the resolution, it was made pledge not to avoid from rendering any kind of sacrifice for stability, development and defence of the country and foil the internal and external conspiracies to be hatched against the stability of country and institutions.
In the resolution, tributes were also paid to the martyrs of security forces rendering sacrifices for the cause of country.
Earlier, on tabling the motion about formation of special committee on CPEC projects, the Chief Minister said that he always wants to give the House lad.
He also said that there is an important role of Balochistan in CPEC. However, the CPEC projects are not seen in the province, he mentioned adding that the Opposition MPAs would also be part of the special committee on CPEC.
He said that the special committee on CPEC projects would be the most important committee. He said that the provincial assembly would be on driving seat after formation of the committee on the CPEC projects.
Meanwhile, a resolution demanding allocation of funds for establishment of Cadet College in Washuk was also approved. The resolution demanded of the House to make allocation of the funds for establishment of Cadet College in Washuk in the next financial year budget.
The amended bill about the DHA tabled by the Minister Revenue, Mir Asim Kurd was handed over to the concerned standing committee.
Later, the session was adjourned for an indefinite period.

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