Federal Minister Amir Muqam says today’s children are the future of Pakistan

(by. Aftab Hussain)

Shangla: sep. 07 Federal Minister for Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan Affairs and Safron Engineer Amir Muqam has said that today’s children are the future of Pakistan, and they will take over the country’s affairs when they grow up. He praised the students of Shangla, a remote mountainous area, for achieving outstanding results despite limited resources, saying that there is no shortage of talent here.

The Minister expressed these views while addressing a ceremony held at Government Centennial Model High School Alpuri to honor students who achieved top positions in matriculation exams. Earlier, Engineer Amir Muqam inaugurated the Alpuri to Lailooi electricity feeder, which has been completed at a cost of 32.45 million rupees and will help reduce low voltage and frequent power outages.

Addressing the ceremony, Engineer Amir Muqam told the children that education is the key to changing the country’s destiny, and we need to focus on education to brighten the future of this country. He added that students are the country’s greatest asset.

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