Federal Government’s Vision for a Prosperous Pakistan: Overcoming Challenges and Sabotage

By Syed Farooq Shah

Pakistan has made significant strides under the leadership of Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif in different sectors, despite facing numerous challenges. The federal government’s commitment to peace, stability and economic growth has yielded positive results.
1. Economic Reforms

– Tax reforms boosted revenue by 25%
– Investment incentives attracted $2 billion in foreign investment
– Infrastructure development enhanced connectivity

2. Peace and Stability

– National Action Plan reduced terrorism by 70%
– Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad eliminated extremist groups

3. Social Welfare

– Ehsaas Program lifted 5 million people out of poverty
– Naya Pakistan Housing Program provided affordable housing for 100,000 families

4. Education and Healthcare

– Reforms improved education access and quality
– Healthcare funding increased by 20%

5. Regional Connectivity

– CPEC boosted regional trade by 30%
– Trade agreements with neighboring countries enhanced economic cooperation
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s (PTI) actions have undermined the government’s efforts.
– Constitutional crises through protests and lockdown threats
– Economic disruption through opposition to reforms
– Social unrest through incendiary rhetoric
– Anti-state narrative harming national cohesion
– Youth radicalization through divisive politics

PTI’s actions have far-reaching consequences.
– Delayed economic growth
– Compromised national security
– Increased social tensions
– Undermined institutions
– Radicalized youth
Pakistanis recognized the federal government’s efforts and rejected PTI’s sabotage.
– 70% of Pakistanis support the government’s economic reforms (Gallup Pakistan)
– 60% believe PTI’s actions harm national interests (IPSOS survey)
International Community’s Recognition*
Whats worthwhile to mention is that the international community acknowledges Pakistan’s progress.
World Bank praises Pakistan’s economic reforms
– IMF recognizes Pakistan’s commitment to stability
– UN applauds Pakistan’s social welfare initiatives
Pakistanis demand unity and cooperation.

– Support the federal government’s initiatives
– Reject PTI’s divisive politics
– Promote national cohesion and stability
The Way Forward:
Pakistan’s future is bright under the federal government’s leadership.

– Continue economic reforms
– Enhance regional connectivity
– Strengthen social welfare programs
– Foster national unity

The federal government’s vision for a prosperous Pakistan is clear. Despite PTI’s sabotage, Pakistan has made significant progress. It’s time for Pakistanis to unite and support the government’s efforts.
The future of Pakistan depends on:
– Collective efforts for national progress
– Rejection of divisive politics
– Embracing unity and stability
Together, Pakistan will surely achieve peace, stability, and prosperity.

Syed farooq shah daily indisb@gmail.com

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