Faustus in Pakistan’s Wasteland

Written by : Junaid Ahmed Khattak

Faustus in Pakistan’s Wasteland: Unveiling the Tragic Drama of Power, Politics, and Progress”

“Had I as many souls as there be stars, I’d give them all for Mephistopheles! /By him I’ll be great Emperor of the world.”. “Dr. Faustus” a paragon in English Literature, Christopher Marlowe’s magnum opus explores themes of “Discontentment” and the “Aspiration for Godly Powers”. Dr. Faustus, a figure endowed with profound talent, knowledge, aphoristic wisdom, and intellect, finds his discontentment fostering a desire to transcend human limitations and attain god-like powers. To realize this ambition, he enters into a pact, selling his soul to the devil and achieving his coveted aspirations. However, the pact is not without consequence, as the devil returns to claim Faustus’s soul after a designated period. The play concludes with Dr. Faustus meeting a gruesome demise, desperately pleading for mercy in the face of eternal damnation.”
History bears witness to the emergence of figures in Pakistan akin to Dr. Faustus, individuals driven by an insatiable thirst for power, aiming to suppress and dominate the rights of the country’s citizens. Similar to the legendary character, these “Pakistani Faustus” metaphorically sell their souls to devil the “neo-colonials”, in pursuit of their desires. The current political upheaval in Pakistan mirrors this Faustian dynamic, manifesting in the restriction of rights for the most dominant, democratic, and populous political party. This contrasts with a perceived favoring of other political entities, providing them a seemingly more level playing field. Such dynamics have persisted in Pakistan since the era following Mr. Jinnah’s demise, with numerous political parties and their leaders subjected to varying degrees of subjugation. A poignant historical example is the fate of Mr. Bhutto.
The repercussions of these actions have transformed the state into what T.S. Eliot poetically described as a “wasteland.” Here, echoes of Eliot’s lines resound: “the dead tree gives no shelter, the cricket no relief,” and a haunting atmosphere where “You know nothing, you see nothing, you remember Nothing.”
Examining the economic landscape further underscores the impact of political instability. In April, inflation rates surged to 31.5%, accompanied by a staggering 25.2% unemployment rate. This dire economic scenario resulted in a core inflation of 17.3%. These economic challenges are intricately linked to the prevailing political instability in Pakistan. As because of this political instability our institutions can’t work aptly and progressively.
Situated in a region fraught with perpetual conflicts, Pakistan stands in need of robust economic and political stability to secure its independence and withstand geographical constraints imposed by neighboring countries. The unyielding commitment of our civilians and soldiers, marked by countless sacrifices in the pursuit of homeland security, serves as a cornerstone in shaping a trajectory toward lasting prosperity. These sacrifices, emblematic of the nation’s resilience, underscore the imperative for sustained efforts to fortify both the economic and political foundations, fostering an environment conducive to growth and self-determination.
The recurring patterns of our history suggest that we, as a nation, often fail to glean lessons from our past missteps. Each such incident not only sets our country back by decades but also places us at a disadvantage in the race for progress when compared to our neighboring nations. In contemplating India’s trajectory, one observes a stark contrast – no government has been overthrown, political decisions align with the majority’s views, and attempts to destabilize the nation by political figures reminiscent of Faustus have been effectively curtailed. This stability has contributed to India securing its position as the world’s 5th largest economy.
In light of these observations, it becomes imperative for our institutions to take a resolute stand for the sovereignty, integrity, and progress of our state. It is crucial to swiftly cast aside individuals who, akin to Faustus, seek to subjugate the rights of others for their personal gain. By doing so, we can fortify our nation against the adverse consequences of political turmoil and pave the way for a more stable and progressive future.

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