Father & son gunned down upon resistance in bike snatching incident



Father & son gunned down
upon resistance in bike
snatching incident

Independent Report

QUETTA: Two persons identified as father and son were shot dead by unknown armed bandits upon resistance in the motorbike snatching incident on Sunday morning.
According to the police, the incident of brutal killing of a person and his teenaged son was occurred on Qambrani road. As per details, the two were on their way riding on their motorbike when at least two armed dacoits intercepted them and asked them to hand over their bike to them.
However, both identified as Abdul Karim and Eaz Ahmed showed resistance in handing over their bike to the bandits, they sprayed bullets targeting them from close range.
As a result, both sustained serious bullet wounds and thus died before they were provided any medical assistance, the reports suggested.
The armed bandits fled from the scene leaving them in the pool of blood. Later, the area police reached the spot. In the meantime, the area dwellers and relatives of the deceased persons also reached there. They refused to take the bodies to the hospital and lodged protest on the spot suspending the traffic.
The protestors blocked the road by putting the tyres on fire and creating hurdles. The protest remained continued for couple of hours until the area police and administration persuaded them to end it.
Later, on assurance of arrest of the culprits, the protestors ended the protest and carried the bodies to their home.
Later, moving scenes were witnessed when the bodies of ill-fated persons reached their home. They were laid to rest in the local graveyard amid grief and sorrow.
Meanwhile, the spokesman of Chief Minister, Babar Youssfzai contacted the SSP Operation Zohaib Mohsin on the incident and got details from him.
The SSP assured to take the culprits involved in the heinous crime to task.

Daily Independent

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