Expressing solidarity with the workers in Larkana by the Social Union


LARKANA :The Larkana Social Union celebrated Labor Day and paid tribute to the martyrs of Chicago. A protest rally was taken out from Bagrani Road to the Press Club. Sheikh Hafiz Bashir Ahmed Hussaini, Deedar Ali Sheikh, Liaquat Ali Imrani, Zahid Ali Junju and others said that today the workers’ day is being celebrated in 1886 in the city of Chicago in the United States of America. Bari defeated and bowed to that empire and salute the sacrifices made by the workers. It is sad to say that the anti-people policies of the rulers running the country and not taking any steps to support the country’s economy, even today the capitalists are oppressing the workers in Sindh. Due to the shortage of factories and factories in the interior of Sindh during the period of inflation, the daily wage earners are suffering from hunger and misery. They said that the International Labor Day is being celebrated from the phrase “God is the friend of God”. It has been proved that the greatness and importance of the laborer, but even today we have millions of innocent children and orphans, men and women who are helpless. Those who cannot even take their rights, while the first part of every development of the country is the labor and craftsmanship of the workers, with the labors of which big buildings, roads, big businesses are running because of these workers. They said that the rulers have dragged the people into the trap of inflation by taking loans, while the workers have played a role in the development of the country by shedding their sweat. But due to the contrary policies of the elected representatives, they have created great problems for the poor people and especially the working class, so that the workers are still deprived of their legitimate and basic rights and better wages, which is why once again oppression, oppression and oppression have united. There is a need to struggle against it. They demanded the Chief Minister of Sindh to increase the wages of the workers by setting up factories and factories in the big cities of Sindh for national development and save the poor workers from starvation.

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