Electricity connections of 581 defaulters disconnected in QESCO’s different circles

Independent Report

QUETTA: The electricity connections of at least 581 more defaulters were disconnected by the Quetta Electric Supply Company (QESCO) in its different operation circles.
The spokesman of QESCO informed that the Company’s campaign is continued against the pilferers of electricity and defaulters in Quetta, Pishin, Loralai, Sibi, Khuzdar and Makran operation circles.
During the crackdown, connections of some 581 defaulters were suspended on non-payment of dues. They are included the domestic, commercial and agricultural consumers during last 24 hours.
The spokesman said that over Rs. 6.19 million were also recovered from 465 defaulters.
Besides, over Rs. 1.232 million were also recovered on account of the detection and fine charged to those involved in the power pilferage.
Meanwhile, fine was also charged to 73 domestic, commercial and agricultural consumers on doing their meters shunt or slow.
The applications have also been submitted against 12 electricity pilferers in different police stations of the province for legal action, added the QESCO spokesman.

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