Elders urge govt to rebuild Bahrain-Kalam road

Haroon Siraj

Swat:- Elders from Kalam and surrounding areas, including Mattiltan, Uttor and Gabral have given the government a one-week ultimatum to reconstruct the 6 km road from Bahrain to Kalam. If the demand is not met, they have warned of drastic measures.

During a press conference at the Swat Press Club on Friday, the elders expressed their frustration and disappointment at the government’s failure to complete the road project despite approvals and significant funding. The 33 km road, which connects Kalam to other areas, was severely damaged in the 2010 and 2022 floods, cutting off the region’s land connection.

According to Kalam elders, over 100 traffic incidents have occurred on the incomplete road, resulting in loss of life and injuries. Despite assurances from the Prime Minister, Chief Minister, and other relevant departments, the project remains unfinished, and the approved funds have not been utilized.

The elders appealed to both the provincial and federal governments to take immediate action and announce the road tender within a week. If the deadline is not met, they warned of escalating protests, including closing hotels and roads and prohibiting government officials from entering Kalam.

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