Eid gifts distributed among thalassemia patients


Haroon Siraj

SWAT:- Principal Saidu medical college Professor Dr Israrullah haq and Medical Superintendent (MS) Saidu teaching hospital Dr Sharafat distributed medicine and eid gifts among the children suffering from thalassemia disease here on Saturday at Saidu teaching hospital thalassemia block..

According to the Medical Superintendent Dr. Sharaf, we have opened a separate block for thalassemia patients in which the patients of the Malakand division are benefiting here by getting a health facility and a separate pharmacy has also been established for them in which they are getting free medicine.

Dr sharafat said that it has been tradition of the hospital to engage thalassaemia children and other patients in various gatherings and events.

He reminded that thalassaemia is a genetic blood disorder in which synthesis of red blood stops and the patient has to rely on regular blood transfusion for his/her whole life.

The event at which a large number of thalassaemia children received gifts was attended, by doctors and hospital administration staff.

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