Effects of climate change

By zunaira Riaz

Climate change is a major problem affecting the world.  This is due to the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.  This increase is due to human activities such as fossil fuel burning, deforestation and industrial processes.  Climate change has many negative impacts on the environment, including sea level rise, more frequent and extreme weather events, and loss of biodiversity.  These effects are already being felt around the world, and will only get worse if we don’t take steps to reduce our carbon footprint.  Climate change is a complex problem that affects every part of the planet.  This is due to the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which trap heat from the sun and cause the earth’s temperature to rise.  This warming is causing ice caps to melt, causing sea levels to rise.  It is also leading to more frequent and severe weather events, such as hurricanes, floods and droughts.  All these effects are having serious consequences on humans, animals and the environment.

Climate change is a major human-caused problem.  When we burn things like oil and gas, we release carbon dioxide into the air.  This is increasing the temperature of the earth which is causing a lot of problems.  For example, melting ice is causing sea levels to rise.  This means that some places will be underwater.  Hurricanes, floods and droughts are also more frequent due to climate change.  It is bad for animals and plants.  We need to do something to stop climate change before it’s too late.  Pakistan is highly vulnerable to climate change.  The country is experiencing more frequent and severe heat waves, floods and droughts.  These incidents are having a severe impact on the country’s agriculture and water resources, which are the backbone of Pakistan’s economy.  The government is taking steps to address these challenges, but more needs to be done to build resilience and reduce emissions.  Due to the increasing rain in Pakistan, people’s houses are losing sight of the ground, along with the sewage system being disrupted due to rain water, drinking water can cause numerous diseases.  Attention should be paid to taking steps to encircle because

Rainy season is better for Pakistan as it can lead to floods and other negative effects.  Climate change may lead to more frequent and severe floods in Pakistan

Daily Independent

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