Education Minister Calls for Joint Action on Educational Crises in Kashmir and Palestine at World Forum

Lahore, Punjab Education Minister Rana Sikandar Hayat held meetings in London with the Chief of the British Council, officials from the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and Google representatives, alongside education ministers from various countries. Discussions encompassed science and technology, STEM, collaboration in digital education projects, research in the education sector, innovation, and modern teacher training programs. Taking advantage of the World Education Forum gathering, Rana Sikandar Hayat raised concerns about the safe educational future of children in Kashmir and Palestine before the Islamic leadership. He highlighted that the educational future of children in Occupied Kashmir and Palestine is at risk, yet the Islamic community’s response is lacking. He noted that while schools are banned in Kashmir and being demolished in Palestine, Islamic leadership remains silent. The Education Minister appealed to the Education World Forum platform to play a collective role in addressing these issues. He emphasized that if the forum does not advocate for the restoration of education and a secure future for the children of Palestine and Kashmir, it would be a significant injustice. Rana Sikandar Hayat also consulted with Google officials regarding the digital revolution in Pakistan. The Chief of the British Council, ICESCO, and Google praised his education-friendly initiatives and his educational vision. He hinted at upcoming educational announcements for Pakistan, revealing that a strong partnership with Google has been agreed upon to provide modern IT courses for free. The Google for Education team will visit Pakistan next month to further this progress. The Minister stressed the need for urgent measures to expose students to contemporary knowledge. Reflecting on his meetings with education ministers and secretaries from various countries, he mentioned the agreement to exchange experiences at the World Education Forum. He noted the valuable insights gained about innovation and global trends in education, which will help align contemporary sciences with modern trends. Expressing serious concerns about the education of children in Palestine and Kashmir, Rana Sikandar Hayat remarked that the power of a country should not result in denying children education. He stated that depriving children of education is one of the worst examples of fascism. He appealed to all countries present at the World Education Forum to seize the opportunity and formulate a common plan of action.

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