Independent Report.
Quetta, September 10, 2024

In a bid to tackle the challenges of education in Balochistan, Parliamentary Secretary for Social Welfare Haji Wali Muhammad Noorzai has vowed to take concrete steps to improve the literacy rate in the province.

Speaking at a ceremony to mark International Literacy Day, Noorzai acknowledged that Balochistan lags behind in education, with 300,000 children out of school. He reiterated the government’s commitment to activating non-functional schools and ensuring that education reaches every household.

Noorzai also expressed concern over the exploitation of school children in political rallies and promised swift legal action against such practices. He emphasized the importance of education as the greatest wealth and the key to unlocking the future of Balochistan’s youth.

The Balochistan government has already taken steps to send over 3,000 children abroad for education, a move aimed at bridging the education gap in the province.

With a population of 1.5 million, Balochistan faces significant challenges in providing quality education to its citizens. However, with the government’s renewed focus on education, hopes are high for a brighter future for the province’s youth.

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