Education Doldrums by Omer Shahid

Education doldrums

Education is the most powerful tool which you can use to change the world. The importance of this proverb cannot be undermined in this globalised world where technology is the determining factor for the progress of a nation. Since the inception of mankind, education played a vital role in socioeconomic development and shaping the future of a society. In the case of Pakistan, majority of our children do not have access to quality education. High dropouts rates have contributed to increased illiteracy rates and social deprivation among vast segments of society. Secondly, our education sector suffers from low budget allocation and resource utilisation which becomes reason of low motivation and inquisitiveness among student and teachers. Three parallel streams of education paves the way for marginalisation and alienation among members of society. The education system of Scandinavian states like Finland and Singapore Presents a role model before the world. They achieved high growth rates and economic prosperity by investing in education sector in order to generate productive members of society. Education fights against social taboo and brings economic uplift. Certainly, the future of Pakistan lies in modern, enlightened and equipped education if the state and society are determined to fight against certain challenges other wise it will remain a dream. Article 25-A stresses the need for state to provide free and quality education to every individual irrespective of Caste, colour, creed and race. In short, education is a key determinant of socioeconomic development of a country. Keeping in mind the above mentioned discussion in mind, government must take concrete steps to pave way to economic prosperity and wellbeing of individual in particular, and country in general.

Daily Independent

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