Dr. Gholam Mujtaba mets Chairman of the Intelligence Subcommittee in the U S Congress

Dr. Gholam Mujtaba mets Chairman of the Intelligence Subcommittee in the U S Congress

Dr. Gholam Mujtaba met with the Chairman of the Intelligence Subcommittee in the United States Congress, Brian Fitzpatrick at a luncheon meeting on issues related to salvaging Pakistan from a crippling economy and on matters to ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) in the region.
“Pakistan is an important component in framing U.S. policies in the region including OIC, Middle East, Afghanistan, and China. The United States relationship with India has no incumbrancer in the longstanding and durable policies towards Pakistan.
Pakistan’s sovereignty in promoting democracy, values of human rights and women empowerment is encouraged. The United States has nothing to do in the partisan politics of Pakistan. No one should be allowed to misinterpret U.S. policies towards favorites in domestic politics of Pakistan”, said Dr. Gholam Mujtaba Chairman Pakistan Policy Institute USA.
Dr. Mujtaba invited the Intelligence Committee and House Foreign Affairs Committee to visit Pakistan on an official trip with him. He intends to invite General Asim Munir to the United States in bridging gaps in trust deficit between the two nations.

In another development Dr. Gholam Mujtaba met with the United States Congressman Josh Gottheimer of the Democratic Party In Congress, Josh serves on two Committees, including the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, where he is the Ranking Member of the National Security Agency and Cyber Subcommittee.


Daily Independent

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