DPO Saddar Zone commended police team for safely recovering abducted girl

According to the details, the DPO Saddar Zone Nosherwan Ali has commended SDPO Ramna and the police team for safely recovering an abducted girl from Ramna police station jurisdiction, a police public relations officer said.


He said that, following the special directions of Islamabad Capital City Police Officer (ICCPO) Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan, a ceremony was held at DPO Saddar Zone office to award certificates of appreciation among the police officials for effective performance.


In this regard, the DPO Saddar Zone commanded SDPO Ramna, SHO Ramna and police team officials to safely recover an abducted girl, whose missing FIR No. 830/23 was registered at Ramna police station.


On this occasion, DPO Saddar Zone said that our first duty is to ensure the safety of Islamabad and its citizens and we will not hesitate to lay down our lives in this regard. He said that the officials who perform well should be rewarded. We are public servants, so every official should perform his duties with good intentions and passion.


He further said that the officials who will show good performance in the future will be encouraged as well. The safety of the lives and property of citizens is our prime responsibility and no laxity will be tolerated in this regard.

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