Divisional Director Information Mirpurkhas Ghulam Raza Khoso visited District Information Office Building Umarkot under construction

Umarkot.by Aijaz mughal.Divisional Director Information Mirpurkhas Ghulam Raza Khoso visited District Information Office Building Umarkot under construction at a cost of 16.0450 million in Umarkot and got information from the contractor on the spot regarding the construction work. Deputy Director Information Umarkot Ghous MohammadPathan, Information Officer Mohammad Aslam Bhatti and the office staff including Irfan Ali Sheikh, Mahesh Kumar, Ramesh Kumar, Menhal Bhatti, Mohabbate Soomro, Syed Zahid Ali Shah and others were also present on the occasion. Instructing the concerned staff, use of quality materials in the construction workBe done and the work should be completed on time. Earlier, he held a meeting with the staff including the Deputy Director Information at the District Information Office, on this occasion he was informed about the problems and performance of the office, on this occasion he assured to solve the basic problems of the office. He visited the Umarkot Press Club and all the journalistsOn this occasion of the meeting, Rasool Bakhsh Rahmadani, Patron General Haji Gul Hasan Arisar, Ghulam Mohammad Kanbhar President Umarkot Press Club, EB Arisar General Secretary, Senator, journalists Ilyas 3, Syed Rehan Shabir Shah, Syed Imran Shah, Mumtaz Arisar, Ghulam Mustafa Mehr. , Uttam Sangrasi, Imtiaz Kosu, Wali Khan, Nazar Mohammad Arisar, Kanji Mill, WaqasYousafzai and other journalists also expressed their views. On this occasion, various issues were highlighted by the journalists. The problems which are at the administrative level are brought to the managementHe said that with the help of journalists, the problems of the people reach the houses and the administration and the problems of the people are solved. Information from press clubs and journalists on behalf of SindhEfforts are being made for the betterment. Efforts will be made to solve the issue of financial support for the journalists of Umarkot. Finally, Director Information Ghulam Raza Khoso along with his officers and staff visited the historical place Umarkot Fort and the Thermo Museum in it. Visited and got historical information.

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