DC Chaman chairs meeting on repatriation of Afghan refugees & other related issues

Independent Report

QUETTA: A meeting was held to discuss the matters about repatriation of Afghan refugees DICC Phase-II and other related issues in Chaman on Friday.
Held at the Deputy Commissioner’s office, the DC Raja Athar Abbas chaired the meeting.
Those who attended were included the members of DICC and representatives of law enforcement and intelligence agencies, IB, Special Branch, CTD and other concerned officials.
Certain important decisions were made about the polio eradication, Chaman protest, passport and other necessary matters.
The decisions were also made about the repatriation of illegal immigrants besides those having the Afghan Citizenship or POR cards.
Needless to mention here that the DICC meeting was held in light of the orders of provincial government.
Addressing the meeting, Deputy Commissioner said that those refugees not having any documentary proof or registration for their stay in Pakistan must proceed to their homeland.
They should play their role in development and prosperity of their country, he stressed

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