CS expresses federal Govt.’s resolve to expedite work on solarization of agricultural tube wells in Balochistan

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Chief Secretary Balochistan, Shakeel Qadir Khan has expressed the federal government’s resolve to expedite work on the conversion of agricultural tube wells on solar energy in the province.
He said that welfare of farmers is top priority of the provincial government and as such all available resources are being utilized for ensuring timely completion of the development project.
He said that the solarization of agricultural tube wells would cast positive impacts on the agriculture as they would get inexpensive and uninterrupted supply of electricity.
The Chief Secretary was chairing a meeting on solarization of the agricultural tube wells here on Tuesday.
The Secretary Agriculture, Dawood Bazai,,Secretary Energy, Bashir Ahmed Bazai, Commissioner Quetta, Muhammad Hamza Shafqaat and Shaukat Jogezai were among those participated in the meeting.
The Divisional Commissioners and Deputy Commissioners of other divisions and districts participated through video link.
Addressing the meeting, Chief Secretary said that an agreement has been reached between the federal and provincial governments under which the agricultural tube wells would be converted on the solar energy.
He noted that around 28,000 tube wells would be converted on the solar energy and one tube well would cost Rs. 2 million.
He also mentioned that the Prime Minister and Chief Minister have stressed the need to adopt alternative sources of energy.
He hoped that the tube wells to be solarized would have great impact on the agricultural sector of the province. He directed to submit report of the progress on project on daily basis.

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