Crackdown against defaulters & electricity pilferers continues

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Quetta Electric Supply Company (QESCO) continued its crackdown against the defaulters of electricity utility bills and those involved in the pilferage of electricity all over the province.
According to the spokesman of QESCO, at least 321 power connections of the defaulters were disconnected on non-payment in different circles of Quetta, Pishin, Loralai, Sibi, Khuzdar and Makran.
Moreover, 59 shunt and tempered meters were also removed and replaced with the new ones in Quetta city.
The spokesman of QESCO informed that Rs. 2.656 billion have so far been recovered from the defaulters of utility bills in the province.
The hefty amount has been recovered from over 161,319 defaulting consumers during the special ongoing campaign of QESCO.
In addition to this, a total of 556 FIRs have so fare been registered against the power pilferers in the province.
It may be mentioned here that 1178 written applications have been submitted in different police stations of the province.

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