Country Director British Council met Education Minister Punjab, discussed various educational initiatives


Education Minister Rana Sikandar Hayat was met by James Hampson, Country Director of the British Council, in which joint initiatives were discussed for the educational development of Punjab, enrollment of out-of-school children, teacher training and increasing the professional skills of teachers and school administration. went. In the meeting, discussions were also held on the initiation of various projects in collaboration with the British Council and the Education Department.
Talking to James Hampson on this occasion, the education minister said that the Punjab government is observing and studying the education models of different countries. Working on educational reforms in Punjab is going on using these models. Soon there will be an educational revolution in the province. The Minister of Education further said that the educational experiences of the United Kingdom will also be fully utilized to bring digital revolution in the province. In the meeting, it was also agreed on bilateral cooperation for research support in various issues. MPA Dr Nosheen and Amna Shaikh were also present in the meeting.

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