Congo virus patient dies in Fatima Jinnah Hospital Quetta


Independent Report

QUETTA: The patient suffering from Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever died in Fatima Jinnah Hospital and Chest Institute here on Wednesday.
According to the administration of Fatima Jinnah Hospital, the patient was brought to the Hospital from Killa Saifullah on Tuesday morning.
He was being provided necessary medical treatment after his admission in the Hospital, however, he breathed his last on Wednesday morning.
The FJ Hospital administration informed that two more patients suffering from the Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever are also admitted in the Hospital and being provided medical treatment. However, their condition is out of danger.
During the current season, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever was diagnosed in five patients so far. Out of them, one patient died.
The FJ Hospital administration told that special arrangements have been made in the Hospital for treatment of the Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever patients with separate ward established there.

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