CM’s remarkable initiatives indeed During course of last few days, the Chief Minister Balochistan, Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo has taken certain remarkable initiatives to surprise of many.





CM’s remarkable

initiatives indeed


During course of last few days, the Chief Minister Balochistan, Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo has taken certain remarkable initiatives to surprise of many.

While on one hand, the Chief Minister issued standing directives to the provincial ministers and administrative secretaries of all the provincial government departments to issue the appointment letters of the posts within a week time whose tests and interviews have been completed till April 2023.

The Chief Minister also issued directives to the provincial ministers and secretaries to strictly monitor the process of recruitments in their respective departments and ministries ensuring all recruitments purely on merit and that in clean and transparent manner so as to give right to the deserving persons.

It is commendable when the Chief Minister warned of stern action against the secretary and member of the selection committee on receiving any information about the sale of jobs in anyway.

Certainly, this directive of the Chief Minister came on the reports that several thousand recruitments are pending for years in different departments including Health, Education, Public Health, Agriculture, Levies, Finance, Colleges, etc, as also mentioned in an official communique shared with the media recently.

In addition to this, the Chief Minister has also directed to expedite the process of recruitments in the province.

Moreover, in another important move, Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo has refrained the provincial ministers and government functionaries from making inauguration of public nature and welfare projects in the province.

In a tweet on his social media account, Twitter on Sunday last, the CM categorically stated that people would make inauguration of the public projects now and onward.

The CM maintained that whether it is school or college, hospital or sports ground, health card or Green bus project, all these are public money. He said that we would not waste our resources merely on the inaugural ceremonies for taking or giving credit of these public projects.

As per the reaffirmation of the CM, inauguration of the schools would be got inaugurated by the students studying in these public institutions.

Similarly, the inauguration of public hospitals would be inaugurated by the poor patients being treated in them, he made it clear adding that the inauguration of green bus service would be inaugurated by the sisters and daughters travelling in the public transport.

What’s noteworthy is the saying of Chief Minister who made it clear that this is public exchequer and as such the public should be given credit. Ours’ job is just to ensure accurate use of the public exchequer.

In a major move of austerity, Mr. Bizenjo also imposed ban on use of mineral water in the CM’s secretariat.

The CM particularly mentioned that he is using normal water, and as such the guests would also be offered the normal water instead of the mineral bottled one.

Worthwhile to mention is that the Chief Executive of the province had already imposed ban on use of the bomb and bullet proof vehicles. After that, he didn’t use the bomb or bullet proof vehicles of the CM’s secretariat.

Last but not the least, the CM issued an official memorandum to Chief Secretary for limiting the security arrangements during VVIP movement just because the general public suffer due to the extraordinary security arrangements made for the provincial ministers, members of assembly and other senior government functionaries.

Even he also urged the Governor Balochistan to limit his security protocol during his movement to avoid any inconvenience to the people.

Undoubtedly, these initiatives taken by the Chief Minister are remarkable, exemplary, and unprecedented. If implemented with letter and spirit, the CM’s initiatives and decisions would set new example in the otherwise most backward province of the country.

Daily Independent

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