CM satisfied on restoration of routine life in Wadh; thanks Nawab Raisani, other notables on peaceful settlement

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Chief Minister, Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo has expressed satisfaction over the restoration of routine life in Wadh area of Khuzdar and thanked the Chief of Sarawan and former Chief Minister, Nawab Aslam Raisani, Nawabzada Lashkari Raisani and other members of the reconciliation Jirga for playing role in peaceful settlement of dispute.
In a statement issued here on Sunday, the Chief Minister said that Nawab Aslam Raisani played leading role as a tribal elder to resolve the dispute while both the parties paved the way for restoration of peace by expressing confidence on the tribal jirga.
Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo insisted that the dialogue is the best course for peaceful settlement of the tribal disputes.
It is also beauty of our longstanding traditions to resolve the disputes through jirgas, he added.
The Chief Minister was confident that the efforts made by the tribal Jirga would yield solution to the Wadh dispute on permanent basis.
He also expressed that both the parties would demonstrate patience and tolerance in future.
He also prayed for establishment of lasting peace in Wadh and other parts of the province.
He reiterated that it is our top priority to ensure peaceful solution of the tribal disputes with mutual understanding and establish peace in the province.

Daily Independent

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