CM pleased over overall performance of Pakistan hockey team in Azlan Shah Cup Hockey Tournament


Independent Report

QUETTA: The Chief Minister Balochistan, Mir Sarfraz Ahmed Bugti had expressed pleasure over the overall performance of Pakistan hockey team in the Azlan Shah Cup Hockey Tournament.
In a felicitation statement issued here on Saturday, the Chief Minister said that win and defeat is part of the game, the passion and fighting spirit of the national team has won the hearts of nation.
He said that the national hockey team remained unbeatable till final of the event.
He noted with contentment that it is an encouraging that Pakistan team reached the final of tournament after 13 years.
He said that getting into the final of Azlan Shah Cup hockey event after 13 years itself is a milestone for the Pakistan team.
He said that the team work and passion of fighting of the players is a hope for bright future of the national sport of hockey, he maintained.
He said that the President of Pakistan Hockey Federation, Mir Tariq Bugti and Secretary General, Rana Mujahid Ali deserve appreciation and congratulation on outstanding performance of the national team.
He said that the PHF restored the lost glory by demonstrating excellent performance in the Azlan Shah Cup hockey event.
He assured that the provincial government would extend every possible cooperation for promotion of the sport as well.
He announced that the government would extend its assistance in holding the Chief Minister Gold Cup Hockey Tournament and Hockey League in the province.

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