Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi visited the Punjab Safe Cities Authority’s Head Office at Qurban Lines and reviewed the monitoring process through the Digital Wall. CM inspected the monitoring system of Faisalabad, Gujranwala and Rawalpindi Safe City projects being connected through the cameras. Mohsin Naqvi shook hands with the staff members of the Safe Cities Authority and commended them on doing an effective monitoring work. CM paid a visit to the Anti Graded Command, Control and Communication Centre and conversed with the Communication Officers. He also visited the Data Centre. MD PSCA gave a briefing about the monitoring system. CM chaired a meeting at the Head Office of PSCA in which complete satisfaction was expressed over making excellent arrangements along with an effective security plan. Mohsin Naqvi paid tributes to the Cabinet Committee for Law & Order, administration, police, and the law enforcement institutions. The people used their right to franchise in a peaceful environment across Punjab. The whole team performed their national obligation in a very nice manner for holding transparent, free and fair elections. An important phase for holding the general elections passed away peacefully by the grace of Allah Almighty and owing to the day and night hard work of the Punjab government. We profoundly thank to Allah Almighty on the holding of general elections peacefully and nicely. The police, administration and the law enforcement agencies jointly maintained the law and order situation in the province. Excellent security arrangements in every city of Punjab including Lahore have been made. IG Police, Secretary Home, CCPO Lahore, MD PSCA and concerned officials were also present on the occasion.

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