Lahore,  : Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi conducted visits of 5 hospitals one after another in five hours. CM Mohsin Naqvi visited Services Hospital, PIC, Mayo Hospital, Lady Willingdon Hospital and Punjab Dental Hospital and reviewed ongoing construction and upgradation work. CM reached Services Hospital and reviewed its upgradation work.

CM by assigning a deadline to complete the upgradation project of Services Hospital by 31st January ordered to undertake remaining work in three shifts.He directed to deploy 500 each labour force in every shift. Mohsin Naqvi stated that the Provincial Ministers by undertaking visits on daily basis would review ongoing  progress. He expressed his indignation over putting tiles during floor cementing and directed to take special measures for the protection of tiles. CM monitored ongoing construction activities in the hospital. He went to various floors, inspected the basement and monitored development work. Mohsin Naqvi ordered to speed up construction activities along with completing the upgradation project of Services Hospital within stipulated time. CM after visiting Services Hospital reached Punjab Institute of Cardiology

. He comprehensively monitored ongoing work on the emergency and other floors of the upgradation project. He ordered to open ground floor of the PIC emergency block by 31st December and assigned a deadline to complete upgradation work of the hospital by15th January. He directed to complete biogas work by tonight under any circumstance. He ordered to hand over third floor to the C&W department 100 percent today and directed to establish a lab collection centre at the main gate. CM ordered to complete the upgradation project with a high quality. CM after visiting Services and PIC reached Mayo Hospital and reviewed upgradation project of the emergency block.  The upgradation project has entered into its last phases of completion. Mohsin Naqvi ordered to open the emergency block by 7th January and directed to complete the remaining work soon.

CM monitored ongoing finishing work in the emergency block. He also visited Children Block at the Mayo Hospital and monitored upgradation work. CM went to the 5th floor and reviewed construction activities. Mohsin Naqvi directed to complete the upgradation project speedily. He stated that no compromise would be made on the quality during construction activities. He directed to improve condition of the lawn of Mayo Hospital forthwith and issued directions to PHA in this regard. Later, CM reached the site of Lady Willingdon Hospital and reviewed construction and restoration activities of the hospital. He monitored ongoing construction work. Colonel Jamal of FWO gave a briefing about the project. CM ordered to demolish old building as soon as possible. CM was given a detailed briefing about progress being made on the project. CM after visiting Services Hospital, PIC, Mayo Hospital Lady Willingdon Hospital reached Punjab Dental Hospital and reviewed ongoing construction activities of its upgradation. CM directed to complete upgradation work of Punjab Dental Hospital by 15th January.

CM issued directions to establish state-of- the art sterilisation room for keeping the surgical tools. He directed MD WASA to ensure excellent drainage system in the Dental Hospital along with demolishing old water tank system and build a new one in its place. CM directed early completion of the ongoing upgradation work at the Dental Hospital. Secretary C&W and Secretary Health gave a briefing about the upgradation project. CM Mohsin Naqvi while talking with the media at the Lady Willingdon Hospital stated that the lenter of the Services Hospital building was in a deplorable condition as any accident could occur any time. We are not only undertaking revamping of the Services Hospital but improving its condition as well. He apprised that we would complete upgradation work of the PIC emergency by 31st December. The third floor of PIC will be completed by 15th January and work on other floors is ongoing. We have decided to establish a collection centre at the main gate  of PIC so that revenue can be generated.

The gas installation work will be completed by tonight at PIC. CM revealed that the biggest emergency of Punjab comprising 230 beds is being constructed at Mayo Hospital on which work is ongoing day and night. We would complete Mayo Hospital emergency by 7th January and the Children Hospital emergency by 15th January. We are handing over a park attached with the Children Hospital to PHA. Work is ongoing at a mega scale day and night through a heavy machinery at Mayo Hospital. CM disclosed that work at the Lady Willingdon Hospital is ongoing speedily. FWO is swiftly demolishing the building of Lady Willingdon Hospital and hopefully its construction work will be completed before its stipulated time.He stated that C&W department has declared old building of Lady Willingdon Hospital dangerous which will be demolished in coming few days. We cannot put at risk the lives of patients and of Health department staff members.He informed that the Dental Hospital Jubilee Town project was launched in 2007 and 2023 is going to an end and this project was kept delayed for 16 years.

We are going to inaugurate Dental Hospital Jubilee Town on 15th January. FWO is providing assistance in Rawalpindi Ring Road, Lady Willingdon Hospital and all other mega projects. FWO will complete construction of all the ongoing projects in a nice manner. The main motive is to undertake upgradation work of the hospitals which were waiting for their upgradation for 40 years. CM said that it our utmost strive to encourage the patients to visit government hospitals for their treatment and should feel satisfied after undergoing treatment. The emergency of government hospitals is excellent and have excellent doctors. We are going to provide Services of critical care doctors. Hopefully, we will complete all the projects within stipulated time along with our team.Mohsin Naqvi underscored that whatever time is given to us should be spent to provide maximum relief to the people.

The whole team and every department has worked more than its capacity and ability. My team has worked not from 9 am to 5 pm but till 2:30 am late at night. CM apprised that no leniency will be meted out to anyone in launching a crackdown with regard to eliminating  illegal encroachments. No injustice will be done to anyone. It is not possible to ride a vehicle without bearing its license and grab a government land. CM stated that after few days, Lahore will be cleared of all encroachments and will give a neat look. We are striving to open SL-3 project for traffic by 30th January. We are ensuring to adopt austerity measures in all the ongoing development projects. We have saved a handsome amount in the Children Hospital project.The credit goes to C&W department for completing all the development projects at a brisk pace. The names of hospital buildings will not be changed at all.

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