CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif to Give Glasses and Hearing Aids to 7 Lakh Students Across Punjab


Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz Sharif accorded an approval to the project for providing glasses and hearing aids to 7 lakh students. The students in the schools across Punjab will be subjected to medical check up of their eyesight and hearing abilities. Those students having weak eyesight and weak hearing abilities will be provided spectacles and hearing aids. The screening process in the government and private schools across Punjab will be launched soon. A famous institution ATscale will provide Rs. 500 million financial assistance in this regard.

Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz Sharif met the ATscale delegation in which matters pertaining to internet services in schools and other affairs were discussed. Matters relating to steps being undertaken to meet nutritional needs among the school children also came under review. Health nutrition and other matters were reviewed and the need for making collaboration with the concerned department was emphasized. It was agreed to undertake steps for the enhancement of school teachers capacity building.

The Chief Minister said, “A first government school for the children suffering from autism in Punjab will be established in Lahore. I want to serve the people of Punjab in a true spirit instead of adopting the traditional manner. A positive change is only possible by invoking a new thinking in a modern era. It is the right of every child to attain education according to international standards. A ‘Packet Milk Project’ is being launched in collaboration with a private sector so as to meet nutritional deficiencies of the students. We have resumed ‘Free Emergency Wi-Fi Facility’ in Lahore.” ATscale delegation while paying tributes said that the public service vision of CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif is highly praiseworthy.

Senator Pervez Rasheed, Senior Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb, Provincial Minister for Education Rana Sikandar Hayat, MPA Nausheen Adnan and others were also present in the meeting.

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