CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif Fulfils Another Promise: E-Balloting Completes to Give 20,000 Bikes to Students on Interest-Free Easy Instalments

Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz Sharif fulfilled another promise. The e-balloting process to give bikes to the students on interest free and soft instalments under the Chief Minister’s Youth Initiative programme at CM office. Provincial Minister for Transport Bilal Akbar Khan conducted e-balloting of the applications for giving e-bikes and petrol bikes on interest-free and soft instalments. Provincial Transport Minister conducted the four different categories e-balloting process for giving bikes to male and female students by pressing a button. Under the Chief Minister’s Youth Initiative programme and on the eve of e-balloting process for giving bikes to the students on the basis of interest free and soft instalments, Vice-Chancellors of various universities along with male and female students were also present on the occasion. Provincial Minister for Transport Bilal Akbar Khan said that on the direction of Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif, all the institutions worked with a great amount of devotion and dedication for making this programme successful. ‘Well-done Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif’ as she is undertaking laudable steps for the women empowerment. On the direction of CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif, we are introducing excellent scheme for the working women and differently-abled people. Bilal Akbar expressed his gratitude to the Vice Chancellors and College Principals for extending their cooperation in the successful holding of Road Shows. He said that it is not the infrastructural change with regard to provision of bikes on interest-free and soft instalments but cultural transformation. InshaAllah, we will soon launch the 2nd phase. The number of e-bikes will be increased in the 2nd phase. Secretary Transport Ahmed Javed Qazi while giving a detailed briefing regarding provison of bikes on interest free and soft instalments said that the male and female students are being provided 1,000 e-electric bikes and 19,000 petrol bikes through transparent e-balloting process. Electric bikes will be given to the students of Lahore, Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, Multan and Bahawalpur divisions. All the students from all districts across Punjab submitted online applications for getting bikes on interest-free and soft instalments under the Chief Minister’s Youth Initiative programme. The students gave a positive response for getting bikes on interest-free and soft instalments. We will organize online road shows in various universities, colleges to impart awareness to the parents along with male and female students. 190,000 students got themselves registered for getting bikes on interest free and soft instalments Under the Chief Minister’s Youth Initiative program. 72,640 students submitted online applications. Transport Minister Bilal Akbar Khan distributed commendation certificates among the officers for showing exemplary performance.
Chairman PITB, Additional IG Traffic, Secretary Information, Secretary Finance, Secretary Excise, Chairman PHEC, Vice Chancellors of various universities, concerned officers and students were also present on the occasion.

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