CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif Announces Mega Projects for Uplift of Gujranwala

LAHORE, 04 July:
Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz Sharif announced mega projects for Gujranwala. She ordered to undertake immediate steps for Gujranwala Metro Bus Project. She also ordered the construction and repair of small and big roads of Gujranwala. She also announced to undertake the construction of the first state-of-art cardiac hospital in Gujranwala in which Cardiac surgery and cath lab will also be provided. Pediatrician and burn units will also be established.
The Chief Minister ordered to make Nigar Chowk Stadium state-of-the-art and complete it as soon as possible. CM Maryam Nawaz directed to undertake immediate steps to build parks in Gujranwala. She also directed to beautify other cities including Gujranwala along with increasing the number of field hospitals and clinics on wheels. She also directed to undertake up gradation of WASA and ordered to ensure cleaning of drains. Under the “Pink Wheel” project for women’s help in Gujranwala, ladies police will immediately arrive on pink bikes to address women’s complaints relating to police. The CM directed to control artificial inflation along with reducing prices of essential commodities.
CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif said, “For the first time in Punjab, regular cleaning and repair work of roads are being done in the rural areas. Early drainage of rain water must be ensured during monsoon. Do not make anyone unemployed, the wheel carts should be parked on the road side in an orderly manner. Water filtration, street lights and manhole covers should be installed. The operation should be continued in Gujranwala to sternly deal with drug-peddlers. Food and drink will be provided by the government during Muharram ul Harram. Virtual police station has provided services to 40 thousand women.”
The CM commended the police for ending kite flying and extortion. She met assembly members and ticket holders at the commissioner’s office. The assembly members presented their problems, suggestions and recommendations. CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif noted down their suggestions and issued orders for their implementation.
Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif was briefed on Gujranwala development projects and apprised about available municipal services. She was apprised about the progress being made on the CM Initiative. She was also apprised about the problems being faced by the people of Gujranwala.
Information Minister Azma Zahid Bokhari, Provincial Minister Sohaib Ahmad Malik, Khurram Dastagir Khan, Members of National and Provincial Assembly, Ticket Holder, Chief Secretary, Secretary C&W, Secretary Forests, Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, RPO and other relevant officials were also present.

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