Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi conducted a thorough inspection of the construction work on the side roads surrounding the Bedian Road underpass early in the morning.
The commissioner Lahore/ DG LDA and the contractor briefed about the construction activity.
He directed the completion of the task within 10 days and emphasized the importance of tree plantation and landscaping along the green belts.
CM Naqvi pointed out that the initial timeline for completing the underpass was set at 6 months. However, through relentless & round-the-clock efforts, the project was finished in an impressive 70 days. Notably, this underpass stands as a groundbreaking accomplishment in Pakistan, being the first of its kind completed in such a record time. CM highlighted that the underpass serves as a vital convenience for the daily traffic of 120,000 vehicles.
Provincial Ministers Amir Mir, Bilal Afzal, Ibrahim Murad, IG police, CCPO, DC, DG PHA, chief engineer LDA and others were also present.

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