CM imposes ban on use of mineral water in CM secretariat

CM imposes ban on
use of mineral
water in CM

Independent Report

QUETTA: In a major move of austerity, the Chief Minister Balochistan, Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo has imposed ban on use of mineral water in the CM’s secretariat with immediate effect.
According to an official hand out issued here on Sunday, the Chief Minister said that he is also using normal water, and as such the guests would also be presented the normal water instead of the mineral water.
The Chief Minister also issued directives to all the departments that no minister or secretary would make inauguration of any public projects, rather the masses would inaugurate them now.
Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo mentioned that he had already imposed ban on use of the bomb and bullet proof vehicles. After that, he didn’t use the bomb or bullet proof vehicles of the CM’s secretariat.
The Chief Minister said that he firmly believes on the Allah Almighty, who has created us, and we also have to return to him. He said that our creator and lord is Allah, who is also our protector. Therefore, we don’t have any need to be bothered at all, he added.
He said that we use bullet proof vehicles for our safety and also drink mineral water, but we should think that whether it is mineral water which gives us health or the Allah Almighty, who give us strength.

Daily Independent

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