Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi expressed displeasure over poor cleanliness arrangements, marks of dust and stains on tiles and counters during his inspection of the newly constructed emergency of the Punjab Institute of Cardiology (PIC).
He summoned the contractor, officials from the C&W department and the medical superintendent for an immediate explanation. He pointed out signs of neglect in cleanliness arrangements and dust on tiles, expressing dismay over the situation.
While inspecting the emergency, CM questioned why the cleanliness conditions were so subpar. He summoned the commissioner and directed immediate improvements in cleanliness arrangements. He emphasized that cleanliness standards in the new emergency were unacceptable and expressed his concern over the lack of cleanliness. The CM insisted on swift improvements and declared the current state of cleanliness in the new emergency unacceptable.
He also enquired about the well-being of a patient in a wheelchair, lifting a fallen file from the floor and placing it back on the wheelchair. The patient expressed gratitude to CM for his gesture. He also addressed the complaint of a patient from Gujrat about delayed scheduling for angiography. Ordering immediate action, he instructed the MS to expedite the angiography procedure.
The health secretary and others were also present.

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