CM demands fresh NFC Award; maintains: Balochistan enduring loss of over Rs. 10 bln annually due to non existence of new NFC Award


CM demands fresh NFC Award; maintains:
Balochistan enduring loss of over
Rs. 10 bln annually due to non
existence of new NFC Award

Abdul Quddus Bizenjo charges PPL proving itself to be East India Company”
for Balochistan; asserts we may not be forced to give strong reaction; says
efficiency of PM’s formed parliamentary committee yet to be proved

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Chief Minister Balochistan, Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo has stated that Balochistan has been enduring financial loss of over Rs. 10 billion due to non-existence of new National Finance Commission (NFC) Award, as such fresh NFC Award should be announced at the earliest.
In a policy statement issued here the other day, the Chief Minister regretfully pointed out that the 7th NFC Award has completed its due tenure in 2014, and since then no other NFC Award has been announced yet.
He said that the constitution of Pakistan guarantees the protection of rights of the smaller provinces of country, and added that it is an unconstitutional and undemocratic act to overlook any federating unit in this manner.
The Chief Minister said that attitude of the federal government with Balochistan is very sorrowful.
He said that the federal government maintained its tradition of abiding by its commitment with the province as neither PPL’s arrears were paid nor the due share of NFC Award could be received till June 30, 2023 as had committed by the Prime Minister.
He regretfully pointed out that the Finance Division and PPL Board didn’t pay any heed towards the PM’s announcement.
He said that it seems that the Federal Finance Minister doesn’t take the PM’s directives seriously.
The Chief Minister made it clear that we have no personal grudge with the federal government. We had also boycotted the NEC meeting and federal budget in compulsion just because of non-implementation on the promises and commitment made by the federal government with the province. The Prime Minister formed a parliamentary committee to resolve the financial issues being faced by the province and we also sent a 11-point stance to the committee for consideration, but to no avail, he added.
Mr. Bizenjo said that in addition to the non-payment of the due share of NFC Award and PPL arrears, non-release of desired funds for development projects of the province is also a grave issue.
He said that the effectiveness of parliamentary committee formed by PM has not been proved yet, and the PPL is proving to “East India Company” for the province, adding the CM charged further.
He also pointed out that the Sui agreement between Balochistan and PPL has been expired in 2015. Th PPL has been continuing its operation in the gas field without any agreement, he claimed adding that the arrears of the province against PPL are above Rs. 60 billion.
The Chief Minister asserted that we may not be pushed towards the wall, nor we may be forced to give strong reaction. The people of Balochistan would not withdraw from their due rights at all, he maintained.
He urged the ruling elite of the country to take notice of the PPL’s attitude and help secure right of the province.
He also urged the parliamentary representatives belonging to the province to raise its voice in the federal corridors.

Daily Independent

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