CM condemns terrorism  attack on security forces  caravan in North Waziristan

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Chief Minister Balochistan, Mir Sarfraz Ahmed Bugti has condemned the terrorism attack on the caravan of security forces in North Waziristan.
In an official condemnation statement issued here on Saturday, the Chief Minister said that the attack of terrorists on the security forces is condemnable.
Mir Sarfraz Ahmed Bugti said that the morale of security forces and General public would not be down at all.
He said that the whole nation is standing by its brave security forces in the war against terrorism.
The Chief Minister said that the Pak Army always combatted the cowardly acts of terrorists bravely.
The terrorists would never succeed in their nefarious designs.
He also paid rich tributes to the brave officers and jawans who embraced martyrdom in line of duty in North Waziristan.
He said that the whole nation is proud of its brave armed forces and standing shoulder to shoulder with them.

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