LAHORE, : Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi chaired the meeting of the joint review committee of foreign-funded projects at the P&D Board. Country Directors of World Bank Mr Najy ben Hassan and Asian Development Bank Mr Yong Ye and representatives of other donor agencies attended the meeting along with the Federal Secretary Economic Affairs Division, administrative secretaries and high officials.
Chief Secretary Zahid Akhtar Zaman and Chairman P&D Iftikhar Sahu briefed the participants while the CM assured taking every possible step for the timely completion of schemes. Work was in progress to complete 12 World Bank-assisted projects worth 2456 million dollars and 8 other schemes of the Asian Development Bank with a total value of 849 million dollars in the province. Work was in progress on different projects including Punjab tourism for economic growth, agriculture and rural transformation, green development and city program in collaboration with the World Bank while WB and other agencies were also collaborating for the completion of the national health program.
CM Naqvi further assured to achieve targets in transport, environment and family planning sectors adding that WB and ADB’s assistance in this regard would be welcomed. He stated that the government was striving to achieve better results with solid teamwork as the fastest response was imperative to complete development schemes. The provincial government was burning the midnight oil as it intends to further enhance collaboration with ADB, WB and other donors, he added. Mr Hassan appreciated the institutional reforms undertaken by the Punjab government.

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