CM approves Rs. 5 million for protection of “Princess of Hope” at Lasbela


CM approves Rs. 5 million

for protection of “Princess

of Hope” at Lasbela


Independent Report


QUETTA: The Chief Minister Balochistan, Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo has approved Rs. 5 million for protection of the tourism point of naturally built statue of the “Princess of Hope” located at the Makran coastal highway, Lasbela.

According to an official hand out issued here on Monday, the approval has been given by the Chief Minister on the summary sent by the Culture, Tourism and Archive Department, Government of Balochistan.

With this initiative, the protection of historical tourism place of the province would be ensured.

It may be mentioned here that the general public and civil society representatives had raised the voice for protection of the historical place some time back.

The Chief Minister has approved the immediate release of the funds for protection of the important tourism place of the province.

Daily Independent

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