CM appreciates Quetta police successful actions against anti-social, criminal elements


CM appreciates Quetta police
successful actions against
anti-social, criminal elements

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Chief Minister, Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo has expressed satisfaction and pleasure over the successful actions taken by the Quetta police against the anti-social and criminal elements.
While appreciating the performance of Quetta police, he congratulated the Deputy Inspector General of Police Quetta, Ghulam Azfar Mahesar and his team on recovery of the theft weapons as well as dismantling of the drug manufacturing factory and arrest of the accused in these successful actions in Quetta and its surrounding areas.
He expressed the hope that the Quetta police would maintain its performance and ensure the protection of life and property of the people. He also assured every possible support and patronage to the police for curbing crimes in the metropolis.

Daily Independent

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