Lahore,  : Chinese Consul General Zhao Shirin, along with a delegation of Chinese environmental experts, convened with Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi at the Chief Minister’s Office. The primary focus of the meeting centered on devising strategies to combat the prevalent issue of smog in Lahore.

During the meeting, a delegation of Chinese experts presented a preliminary report highlighting the causes of smog in Lahore. According to their findings, factors such as unnecessary use of organic and inorganic fuels, high atmospheric humidity, household dust and gas emissions, and pollutants from coal plants in India contribute to the smog in the region. The experts emphasized a specific ratio of different elements, including carbon dioxide and nitrogen, forming the smog.

Commending Mohsin Naqvi’s proactive measures in combating smog, the Chinese experts lauded the adoption of an effective policy. Chief Minister Naqvi stressed the need for a comprehensive and robust report to guide future governmental efforts in addressing the smog challenge.

Despite school closures, a ban on crop residue burning, and reduced traffic, the persistence of smog remains noticeable. Chief Minister Naqvi expressed appreciation for the arrival of Chinese experts, anticipating a comprehensive report that would aid in tackling the issue. He emphasized the importance of understanding the factors that render smog harmful to health.

Chinese Consul General Zhao Shirin acknowledged that solving the smog problem requires time, citing China’s successful control efforts over seven years. Expressing gratitude, he thanked Chief Minister Naqvi and his team for hosting and welcoming the Chinese environmentalists.

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