Chinese Consul General Mr Zhao Shiren Explores China’s Expanding Role in Global and Regional Politics and its Benefits for Pakistan at CASS Lahore

The Centre for Aerospace & Security Studies (CASS) Lahore, hosted His Excellency Zhao Shiren, the Consul General of the People’s Republic of China, for an enlightening guest lecture titled “China’s Growing Influence in Global and Regional Politics: Benefits for Pakistan” on 14 June 2024.

Mr Ameer Abdullah Khan, Senior Researcher, CASS Lahore, introduced the speaker. The distinguished guest highlighted the importance of global peace. He argued that multipolarity with inclusive stakeholder engagement is more favourable than unipolarity and bipolarity for the developing world. He elaborated China’s major initiatives under President Xi Jinping: the BRI, Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative, Global Civilisation Initiative, and proposed Global AI Governance Initiative as crucial steps in this regard. He praised the strong partnership between Pakistan and China and noted significant trade growth and investment opportunities under the CPEC. Emphasising Pakistan’s future economic and social growth, he highlighted the importance of embracing global, green, and digital initiatives. He further highlighted China’s mediation efforts in international security, and reaffirmed support for a two-state solution for Palestine and backed Pakistan’s stance on Kashmir.

The talk was followed by an engaging and interactive session, during which the participants delved deeper into the various facets and dimensions of the enduring Pakistan-China friendship.

The event concluded with closing remarks by Air Marshal Asim Suleiman (Retd), President, CASS Lahore, who amplified the significance of the enduring partnership between Pakistan and China in all spheres as a vital contributor to the former’s economic development and infrastructure. He stated that this strategic partnership should focus on industrialising through SEZs, developing a long-term export strategy, modernising agriculture, and enhancing cooperation in science and technology, and security. He also acknowledged China’s growing global influence and highlighted Pakistan’s commitment as a strategic partner in the region and beyond.

The talk provided valuable perspectives on how Pakistan can leverage its strategic alliance with China to navigate the complexities of global politics and regional developments. This event also signified the enduring partnership between the two nations.

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