Karachi 02 April:  Under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary Sindh, Syed Asif Hyder Shah, a joint meeting of the Education and Health Departments was convened. Chief Secretary Sindh emphasized that education and health are fundamental rights of every citizen. The meeting was attended by Secretary School Education, Zahid Ali Abbasi, Secretary Health, Rehan Iqbal Baloch, and other departmental officials. During the meeting, Secretary School Education and Secretary Health provided detailed briefings. Secretary School Education, Zahid Ali Abbasi, revealed that there are 11,736 private schools and 40,978 government schools in the province, with 52,36,202 students enrolled in government schools and 39,41,938 students in private schools. Additionally, the Education Department has recruited 51,354 new teachers through the IBA Sukkur.

Chief Secretary Sindh, Syed Asif Hyder Shah, reiterated that access to education is the basic right of every child. He emphasized the provision of clean water and furniture in schools, along with the need to focus on non-formal education for out-of-school children. Furthermore, he assured the provision of necessary funds to the Sindh Textbook Board to ensure timely provision of textbooks to students. Secretary Health highlighted that there are 14,089 doctors and 63,000 paramedical staff working in the Health Department, with more than 1,000 ambulances in various hospitals across the province. Additionally, over 300 ambulances are providing free services in different areas of the province through Sindh Integrated Health Services.

Chief Secretary Sindh emphasized the need for special attention to the immunization program to achieve optimal results and ensure access to vaccines for every child. He directed the Secretaries of Education and Health to ensure the attendance of teachers and doctors and to improve treatment facilities and other amenities in hospitals. It was decided in the meeting to enhance treatment facilities at district and divisional levels to provide standardized healthcare services within the districts, thus minimizing the need for people to travel to Karachi or other major cities for medical treatment.

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