Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz has said that the people of Punjab have made their daughter a Chief Minister


Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz has said that the people of Punjab have made their daughter a Chief Minister. By giving their daughter the post of Chief Minister, the women and men of Punjab bestowed respected to their sister and daughter. For the first time in the history of Indian and Pakistani Punjab, I congratulate the Punjabis on being elected as the Chief Minister. Wherever I go anywhere outside in Punjab, Mothers, sisters, elders all give me respect. Punjab does not come from inside and I am a solid Punjabi female from inside and outside but before being a Punjabi, I am a Pakistani. Speaking at the ceremony organized in Al Hamra Hall regarding Punjab Culture Day, Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif said that the woman of Punjab is not afraid of difficulties, she is strong. In difficult times she becomes the strength of her father, support of her husband and keeps the secret of her brother. I am daughter of Punjab and is not affaraid of difficulties. If the mother, sister, daughter becomes strong then the society will be strong. Parents should teach and make their children learn Punjabi language. Whatever will be said for the revival of Punjabi film will be done. Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif said that the bad days of culture are over. Now the days of progress have come. Protection of Punjabi culture is very important to keep the Punjabi language alive. Punjabi cultural day should be celebrated at school, college, university level as well, Punjab embraced five rivers, the colors of Punjab’s culture reflect in the culture of every province. Urdu language should also be taught O the children but Punjabi language should not be a strange for them. Punjabi will be introduced as a subject in schools. Mian Muhammad Bakhsh’s poetry provided support during the period of difficulties. Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif, while thanking the hosts of the event said that “Thank you very much for inviting me on the cultural day”. The Minister of Information and Culture Azma Bokhari organized a great program and the artists performed well. It feels great to get away from the tiring routine of the office and join the event. Recitation of the Holy Quran and Naat-e-Rasool Maqbool (peace be upon him) was heard and artists performed to their best. Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif said that as there are five big rivers in Punjab, Punjabis are also lion hearted. Punjab is the land of Sufis, Scholars and magnanimous people. Punjabi language is a very sweet language. Sindhi, Balochi, Pashto and other regional languages are spoken with pride but we Punjabis do not speak our language with such pride which is sad to say. Teach your children English and other languages but Punjabi parents should teach their children Punjabi language.Cross-border Sikhs and other Punjabis speak their language with pride around the world, then why not us? It is sad that we have followed the traditions of others and are forgetting our own culture. Parents should teach their children Punjabi to prevent Punjabi language from becoming extinct. There is a need to promote Punjabi language as a subject in Punjab. Punjabi is a very sweet language, Punjabi poetry expresses emotions in a very beautiful manner. The culture of Punjab and the civilization of Punjab is so vast and historical that if we start telling it then the time will be short. I am pure Punjabi from inside and outside. The culture and traditions of Punjab are very ancient. She said that in the culture of Punjab, mother, sister and daughter are given a lot of respected. Giving respect for mother and daughter are our traditions which we are forgetting. Abusing mothers and sisters in politics is weakening our cultural roots. The culture of tolerance, the traditions of honoring others’ mothers, sisters, daughters and elders are being forgotten, which is a matter of the grave concern. For the promotion of culture,
Minister for Information and Culture Azma Bokhari should advertise such events for the promotion of culture and such celebration should be held in colleges and universities. People should remember the traditions of Punjab otherwise future generations will suffer a lot. She said that in our folk tales like Mirza Sahiba, Heer Ranjha, Sassi Pannu and others, the women are widely discussed.

Whoever goes away from the culture and traditions of Punjab will become a kite and fall somewhere far away. Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif said that as many women and men as there are members of assembly and officers.
They have worked hard and endured hardships to achieve this respect.
The Chief Minister said that marriage in Punjab becomes a festival, people who have been separated for years meet again and share happiness.
As Punjabis celebrate Eid and other festivals, they are their example, they are very proud of it.
The important source of old Punjabi movies were the source to depict Punjabi culture. Noor Jahan and other singers sang Punjabi songs which we remember even today. Punjabi movies in the decades 1960 and 1079 used to depict our culture in a light manner. The culture which is being promoted in our Punjabi films nowadays is not our culture and our Punjabi are facing deterioration. I want to say to the Punjabi film industry that a new era should come in the industry. Whatever the Punjabi film maker need they should come to me and their every need will be fulfilled. We will revise the spirit and Culture of Punjabi films jointly. She said that Punjabi poetry is very close to our hearts. Baba Fareed, Sultan Bahu, Mian Muhammad Bakhsh and Shakir Suja Abadi are very great Punjabi poet and are very close to our hearts. May Allah Almighty give long life to Anwar Masood as he does very beautiful Punjabi poetry. I read with great interest the poetry of Amrita Pritam across the other side of the boarder. I used to read short stories of Amrita Pritam in jail. When there were a lot of difficulties all our family then a lot of poetry used to give me strength. Provincial Minister for Information and Culture Azma Bokhari welcomed CM Maryam Nawaz on reaching in the ceremony. Azma Bokhari said that the cultur of Punjab, cultural institutions and artists will progress under the leadership of CM Maryam Nawaz. CM Maryam Nawaz and senior Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb were adorned the traditional Chadar of Punjab. CM distributed prizes and cheques among the position holder students for participating in the paintings, theatre and other activities. Senior Provincial Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb, Chief Secretary, Secretary Information and Culture Daniyal Saleem Gillani, DGPR Rubina Afzal and other officers of culture development were also present on the occasion.

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