Chief Minister grieved over death of 11 mine workers in Sanjdi coal mine mishap


Independent Report

QUETTA: The Chief Minister Balochistan, Mir Sarfraz Ahmed Bugti has expressed deep grief and sorrow over the death of 11 coal mine workers in the mishap occurred in a coal mine located in Sanjdi area.
The Chief Minister expressed anger over the lack of safety measures in the coal mines.
The Chief Minister also issued orders to the concerned authorities to fix the responsibility of the sorrowful incident of coal mine.
He stressed that the coal mine owners have to implement the prescribed standard operating procedures (SOPs) in the mines. However, most of the incidents occur due to the carelessness of coal mine owners.
The Chief Minister directed the Secretary Mines Department to ensure implementation on the SOPs for prevention of such incidents and stoppage of precious human lives in the mining sector in future.
Meanwhile, the Chief Minister expressed deep grief and sorrow over the loss of precious lives in the coal mine mishap and condolence with the bereaved families of those died in the mishap.

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