Chief Minister directs DCs to inaugurate public projects completing by June 30


Chief Minister directs DCs to
inaugurate public projects
completing by June 30

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Chief Minister Balochistan, Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo has directed the Deputy Commissioners to inaugurate the public projects completing by June 30, 2023.
The directives were issued by the Chief Minister on the summary sent to him by the Planning and Development department.
The Chief Minister also directed to start reaching the fruits of projects to the masses by formally inaugurating the development projects already completed.
He said that he wants to see all development projects operational by August this year.
He insisted that the people should be benefitted from the projects completing through the public exchequer.
He asserted that no VVIP would make inauguration of the projects. He also directed that the inauguration of schools would be made by the students studying there.
Similarly, the inauguration of the hospitals would be made by the patients being treated there. The inauguration of water school schemes and other projects would be made by the senior citizens of the respective areas, he directed further.
He once again directed to make inauguration of the green bus service by the male and female passengers traveling on the public transport.
In addition to this, the Chief Minister directed to hold the inaugural ceremonies with simplicity avoiding unnecessary expenditures on them.

Daily Independent

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