Chief Minister advocates debate on all resolvable issues including missing persons in Parliament

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Chief Minister Balochistan, Mir Sarfraz Ahmed Bugti has advocated the need to bring all resolvable issues including missing persons in the Parliament and hold debate on them.
He said that one thing that’s clear is that freedom can’t be acquired by force or with use of gun.
While speaking to a private TV channel and at residence of President of National Party Dr Abdul Malik Baloch in Turbat on Tuesday, the Chief Minister maintained that the Balochistan got the rights through parliament not the weapons.
He mentioned that the Parliament has given the rights to Balochistan right from the status of province to the 18th constitutional amendment, he said adding that the parliament would resolve the issue even today.
He said that if any of the issues is resolved through negotiations, then who can deny to that?
Mir Sarfraz Bugti asserted that we want negotiations, but question arises with whom negotiations may be conducted?
But what to do, if anyone doesn’t negotiations, he quipped.
The Chief Minister also said that if someone chooses the path of force instead of negotiations, then the Constitution gives us right to take action against one, he insisted.
He asserted that the state would take action against those spoil law and order and target innocent people.
He said that there should be debate on all resolvable issues including the issue of missing persons in the Parliament.
The Chief Minister strongly believes that not a single citizen should be disappeared.
He said that there is a dispute on the number of missing persons.
The Chief Minister said that the present parliament would take political responsibility.
However, the Parliament may prepare recommendations for resolving the issues of Balochistan, he pleaded.
In this regard, he proposed to prepare course of action by forming a think tank.
The Chief Minister on the occasion made it clear that no operation is going on in the province.
However, smart targeted action would be taken against the terrorists where needed so.
He said that those killing innocent Punjabis in Balochistan can’t be Balochs.

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