Chief Executive Officer Punjab Industrial Estates Development and Management Company

Chief Executive Officer Punjab Industrial Estates Development and Management Company Ali Moazzam Syed chaired the meeting of Punjab Special Economic Zone Committee. The meeting approved to grant special zone enterprise status to companies acquiring industrial plots in PIEDMC managed industrial zones and to regularize cases held up due to legal complications.
The meeting approved to grant special economic zone enterprise status to 15 companies that acquired industrial plots in Quaid-e-Azam Business Park, Vehari Industrial Zone and Rahim Yar Khan Industrial Zone, while 18 void cases from above mentioned industrial zones including Bhalwal Industrial Zone, that were held due to legal comlications have also been regularized after scruitny of all the documents and in the light of the directives of the federal and provincial governments. By granting the status of special zone enterprises to these companies, a total of more than four and a half billion rupees will be invested and thousands of new jobs will be provided. Chairman Special Economic Zone committee Ali Muazzam Syed said that all resources are being utilized to provide all the facilities through one window services to the investors in Punjab, to bring economic improvement and employment generation in the province along with industrial development. Secretary Committee Amna Faisal Shah, DG PBIT Dr Sohail Saleem, Manager SEZ BOI Col ® Shakeel and concerned officers of district administrations were also present.

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