Chairman WAPDA, project high up meet


The Chief Minister Gilgit Baltistan, Gulbar Khan has stated that two mega projects of Diamer Bhasha dam and Dasu Hydel Power project would prove to be important milestone in removing the scarcity of water and power in the country and thus would change its destiny forever with their completion.
He noted that the people of Diamer district of Gilgit Baltistan are also affected and are giving sacrifice too in the larger interest of the country. The joint efforts of WAPDA and government of Gilgit Baltistan are important for accelerating speed of work on these mega projects and resolving the issues of the people affected due to them.
He said that the dwellers of Diamer would have to migrate from the area at large scale leaving the lands of their ancestors. We have to value their sacrifice and as such resolve their issues on priority basis.
In view of this, it is unavoidable to ensure timely execution of the commitments and pledges made with the affectees of mega project, stressed the Chief Minister Gilgit Baltistan while speaking to a delegation comprising the Chairman WAPDA, Lt. General (Retd) Sajjad Ghani and high ups of Diamer Bhasha Dam project, who called on him in the Gilgit Baltistan House Islamabad the other day.
Also present in the meeting were the members of cabinet of Gilgit Baltistan belonging to Diamer.
During the course of meeting, matters were discussed about the implementation on the projects of confidence building in the Project area, establishment of vocational institute for promotion of technical education, payment of the household and provision of jobs besides others.
The Chief Minister and members of cabinet of Gilgit Baltistan were briefed about the measures so far taken for development and construction of the project area.
It was decided in the meeting to proceed further the early implementation on proceeding on water supply and sanitation scheme in Chalas area of Diamer.
In addition to this, the establishment of the vocational institute would also be ensured.
Moreover, other certain important matters were also discussed and decisions made during the meeting.
The meeting was informed that the Cadet College would be inaugurated in Chalas on March 1, 2024.
Speaking on the occasion, Chief Minister GB directed to take prompt action on the payment of the leftover lands of Diamer Bhasha dam project.
On this, the Chairman WAPDA assured to make payment to the affectees agreeing with the Chief Minister.
Those who were present in the meeting were included the members of GB cabinet including Mushtaq Ahmed, Muhammad Anwar, Shah Baig and Rehmat Khaliq besides other concerned high ups.

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