LAHORE, July 13:
Capital City Police Officer Lahore Bilal Siddique Kamyana presided over a meeting of senior officers from the Investigation Wing in his office. The meeting aimed to review the department’s performance concerning ongoing investigations, pending road certificates, and the apprehension of silent suspects.
CCPO Bilal Siddique Kamyana expressed strong dissatisfaction with the investigation incharge for not submitting pending cases and road certificates, directing them to improve their performance. He emphasized that officers who demonstrate results will retain their positions and warned the investigation incharge to clear the backlog or face disciplinary action. He further instructed the relevant SPs and DSPs to take necessary measures regarding the resolution of ongoing investigations, pending road certificates, and the apprehension of silent suspects. He made it clear that any lack of interest in fulfilling official duties would not be tolerated.
The CCPO specifically directed the SSP (CIA) and SP (AVLS) to expedite the resolution of pending cases and road certificates. During the meeting, the SSP (CIA) informed that pending cases were being submitted on a priority basis.
Bilal Siddique Kamyana stressed the importance of completing the challan for ongoing cases, addressing the issue of pending road certificates, improving recovery rates, and establishing special teams to apprehend habitual criminals, fugitive suspects, and POs. He called for a rigorous crackdown on drug dealers and land grabbers, emphasizing the need to declare silent suspects as POs and document their status accordingly.
DIG (Investigation) Imran Kishwar, SSP (CIA) Capt (r) Liaqat Ali Malik, SSP (Investigation) Anoosh Masood Ch., Divisional SPs, SDPOs, and investigation incharges attended the meeting.

Daily Independent

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