Caretaker Minister Information visits DGPR office

Independent Report

QUETTA: The caretaker Provincial Minister for Information, Jan Achakzai has emphasized that we would have to get complete control on the modern information technology and system in order to compete the world.
He said that the ambit of Information department has been expanded and vast in the present modern era. No matter and thing is concealed all over the world just because of the social media.
This and similar other views were expressed by the caretaker Information Minister while speaking on occasion of his visit to the Directorate General of Public Relations here on Thursday.
Also present on the occasion were Secretary Information, Hamza Shafqaat, Director General Public Relations, Kamran Asad and other senior officers of the department.
Jan Achakzai said that Balochistan has great importance economically and politically due to its specific geographical location, and we should not ignore this fact that Pakistan especially Balochistan is being given priority in the economic and political policies.
This is why most of the countries of world especially the neighbouring ones are willing to take advantage of the strategic location of the province, and this would be possible only when we would be able to bring at par the world improving our system.
He on the occasion stressed the need to make the sections of social media, publicity, press and record of the DGPR more digital and assured that he would put these sections on modern lines during his Ministers-ship.
He said that while the department would be provided more funds, the young officers and staff would also be imparted training.
He on the occasion directed to start work on the project of making the record of old newspapers digital for archive.
He also stressed that the department should also highlight the issues of common men besides highlighting the government policy.
He said that the caretaker government would encourage the efficient officers and staff of the department and would also give them awards in recognition of their services.
Earlier, the DGPR Kamran Asad briefed the caretaker Information Minister about the overall performance and functioning of the department.
Meanwhile, president of DGPT officers welfare association, Inayatur Rehman and other office bearers also met the Information Minister and apprised him the issues being faced by the employees.

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