Caretaker Minister Home directs to take action against aerial firing & one wheeling

Independent Report


QUETTA: The caretaker Provincial Minister for Home, Mir Zubair Jamali has directed to take action without any discrimination against those involved in the aerial firing, hooliganism and one wheeling on the occasion of New Year.

According to an official handout issued here on Sunday, the Minister Home said that special teams have been constituted for prevention of the one wheeling and aerial firing.

The Minister Home asserted that no dangerous activity would be acceptable against the law in the name of recreation.

He said that protection of life and property of the citizens is topmost priority of the government.

The Minister also directed to deploy the additional personnel for maintaining flow of traffic.

He also directed to take well care of the life and property of the people especially families, women and children.

The patents should keep strict vigil on the activities of their children and don’t let them part of any illegal act, adding he stressed.

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