Capital City Police Officer Syed Ashfaq Anwar awarded certificates of appreciation to 10 police officers,

By M.Ilyas
Peshawar : The history of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa police is full of sacrifices, who have sacrificed their lives during their professional duties, police officers and officials have also contributed to the reform of the society in addition to fulfilling their duties.By playing a role, the prestige of the police department can be increased, the police youth should play a positive role in the prevention of crime as well as in the eradication of social evils, the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Police is an exemplary police that has demonstrated self-accountability and service.By making it a slogan, new ways of service have been set for other institutions, these views were expressed by CCPO Syed Ashfaq Anwar while giving certificates of appreciation to police officers with excellent performance.Certificate distribution ceremony was held at Malik Saad Shaheed Police Line Peshawar in which SP Abdul Salam Khalid, ASP City Aitzaz Arif, DSP Mukhtiar Ali, DSP Gohar Khan, DSP Riaz Khalil and SHO Dost Muhammad Khan , Muhammad Ashfaq Khan, Muhammad Asif Khan, Qazi Nisar and Abdul Hameed participated, due to their professional responsibilities in tracing serious cases on technical basis, solving crimes with excellent performance.Addressing to the police officers, CCPO Syed Ashfaq Anwar said that it is clear along with the performance of their official duties, they should also ensure the reformation of the society and the help of those who seek help.In addition to crime prevention, CCPO also directed to devote their energies to solving social problems and serving the people.By creating a slogan, new ways of public welfare and service have been defined for other institutions, CCPO Syed Ashfaq Anwar said that Peshawar Police has established a special procedure for punishment, while the officers with excellent performance were awarded with cash and certificates of appreciation, punishments were also given to the officers guilty of negligence, he directed the police officers present at the ceremony to perform better.

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